Anxiety involves feelings of fear, panic, worry, and often many other uncomfortable sensations. Anxiety is not just emotional, it can also manifest in the body in various ways, such as, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath, just to mention a few. Recently, many people have been experiencing anxiety and higher than usual stress levels.
The good news is that there are effective strategies and practices that can help you cope with anxiety.
When you notice anxiety starting to flare up do your best to STOP, take time to breathe and think about what it is making you feel anxious. Anxiety usually is experienced when worrying about the future or past events. Breathing exercises are powerful and can help ease your body and mind. When you focus intentionally on your breathing your attention is brough back to the present moment.
An important step is to figure out what’s truly bothering you, that way you can get to the root of the anxiety. Putting time aside to explore your thoughts and feelings are key. You can write in a journal or talk to a friend, for example, to help you understand where those anxious feelings are coming from. I personally have found journaling very helpful, specially at nighttime. Is a great way to release a lot of thoughts from the mind and acknowledge any emotions or feelings that might have come up during the day.
Life can be unpredictable; you can’t always control what happens. Many times, anxiety stems from fearing things that haven’t even happened and may never occur. Focusing on what you can change and being more proactive about it is going to be helpful. Combining that willingness to change with learning to let go of what is out of your control will bring you a sense of ease.
There will be times that the most effective thing you can do is simply to redirect your attention to something other than the anxiety. Maybe do some chores around the house, write, go for a walk, or listen to music. Taking your mind off your feelings of worry, stress and anxiety can have a positive effect on your overall health and wellness.
Lifestyle changes are a big deal! What you eat, how well you sleep, your physical activity, and your mindset, all have an influence on how you experience life and anxiety. Research has found that mood and high stress levels are affected by your diet. People who consume nutrient dense real foods tend to experience lower stress levels. Movement can alleviate and even prevent anxiety. Consider going outside and spending time in nature, sunshine and fresh air can give a boost of must need it healing energy. Researchers also found that problems with sleep can cause anxiety disorders. Consequently, having a nighttime routine and getting enough sleep can have powerful effects on your mental and emotional well-being.
Summing up, taking care of your mind and body can help you prevent and relieve anxiety, in addition you will live a more fulfilled life. Do your best to include breathing exercises during your day, take a few minutes to journal and practice gratitude, eat nutritious meals, be intentional about the quality of your sleep, and be sure to move or do some type of exercise.
Love yourself enough to care for your body, mind, and spirit.
If you need extra support never doubt reaching out, we are here to equip you for health and wholeness through practical tools and personalized services that will address your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
-Arelys Perez Mustafa